Saturday, February 5, 2011


the most amazing GIF
(and sandwich)

I call this one "THE HAMMERTIME"

This is me eating a fucking sandwich, people. Not just any ole' sandwich though. This one's "THE HAMMERTIME" and it's in ALL CAPS and bold because it's coming down like a mwuthafuckin' hammer ya'll. Even the quotation marks are in bold. It's a serious sandwich for a serious guy like myself. Therefore, the serious name.
Here's a brief yet informative description; It's got onions, salami, pepp-pepps, questionable lettuce, mayo, mustard, Sriracha, and there's probably something else. Oh yeah, provolone cheese. I don't play, people. you see that knife? Eat at your own risk.
The animated GIF you posted above will show you how I cut my sandwich. Perfectly. If you cut your sandwich any other way, the Sandwich Police, which I am Deputy of, will find you and fine you. If you attempt to post any video responses or websites herein considered by the SP to be infringing upon the freedom of speech or opinions of this blog, I will turn off your internet worse than Egypt.

Your Sandwich Leader
P.S. Freedom starts with your cutting board.

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